Road and Path Closures

Metronet has advised of southbound closures of Nicholson Road:

- from 7pm Friday 11 April until 4am Monday 14 April 2025

- intermittent night shifts from late March until the end of April.

These closures will enable the delivery and installation of construction equipment and materials for the Nicholson Road underpass in Thornlie.

Refer to the document library for more details.

Metronet Projects

The City of Gosnells is home to two Metronet projects which will make it easier for our residents to connect with each other and surrounding suburbs.

William Street level crossing removal

Metronet is currently working on the William Street Level Crossing removal on the Armadale Line. This project was a priority project for the City, as William Street provides a key link between Albany Highway and Beckenham.

This will see a new elevated Beckenham Train Station built at the site, which will be built along with the Cannington, Queens Park, Oats Street, and Carlisle Stations.

This project will be delivered by the Armadale Line Upgrade Alliance which was formed in August 2022 to deliver this project.

Thornlie - Cockburn Link

Metronet has commenced the new Thornlie-Cockburn Rail Link which will be Perth’s first east-west cross line to connect with the Mandurah and Armadale/Thornlie lines.

This new link will make train travel more flexible and providing a higher level of public transport service to Perth’s southern suburbs.

The NEWest Alliance, with CPB Contractors and Downer Group, was formed in December 2019 to deliver this project.

Construction to create the new line is currently underway.

Find out more

These projects are owned and managed by Metronet, NEWest Alliance and the ALUA Alliance. The consultation page has been developed to provide project updates and support Metronet/NEWest Alliance/ALUA Alliance with the distribution of information to the City of Gosnells community.

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