The City invites electors (people who live within the City, and can vote in local and state elections) to produce electronic petitions for Council to consider.
A petition can come from any elector or group who want Council to take action. For example, changing a policy, local law or taking action on an issue.
Petitions can request Council to take action for a certain purpose or for the benefit of particular people. The subject of a petition must be something the Council has the power to act on.
The elector requesting the petition is responsible for gathering valid signatures.
Please consider whether starting a petition is the best approach for you.
You can also contact the City by:
- Contacting a Councillor direct
- Writing to the CEO (PO Box 662, Gosnells WA 6990 or
- Attending a Council meeting to ask a question
To start an online petition
- Read the information in the FAQs and the document library.
- Sign up to Your Say Gosnells. You must register with your correct address and contact details to allow the City to contact you regarding the progress of the petition.
- Request a Petition using the tab below. The City will setup a petition on this page and forward you a link to the petition.
- If you are already registered on Your Say Gosnells, sign in and complete the Request for Petition using the tab below.
To sign an online petition
- Register on Your Say Gosnells. You will receive a verification email with activation link.
- You must register with your correct address and contact details to allow the City to contact you regarding the outcomes of the petition.
- Once you have activated your registration, or if you are already registered, please sign in and select the petition you wish to support from the Open Petitions list below.
For updates on the progress of the Petition, please read the relevant Council Agendas and Minutes on the City's website. Progress will also provided on the stay updated section of this page.

Open petitions
Request a petition
Stay updated
Stay updated
Find out about the progress of petitions here