Construction has started on the Sutherlands Park master plan projects, starting with projects on Reserve A.

The new all-abilities playground and car park are now open.

Council has recently appointed PLAYCE to complete the detailed design of the Youth Entertainment Space (YES). This will build on the concept plan developed using community feedback.


The City of Gosnells is excited to share the Sutherlands Park master plan. The master plan will see the single largest investment in sport and recreation in the City's history.

View the full plan here

Following consultation at the end of 2022, the City endorsed a master plan for Sutherlands Park that has:

  • New sporting club spaces
  • New configuration of sporting ovals
  • New YES (youth entertainment space)
  • New all abilities playground (now open!)
  • SPLASH - the new Sutherlands Park Leisure, Aquatic and Sports Hub
  • New Sutherlands Park Centre (to replace Huntingdale Community Centre)
  • A new enclosed dog park

This master plan will be implemented by the City in the coming years, staged to ensure quality outcomes for our community.

Construction started in April 2023 on our new community hub. The all abilities playground is now open, construction is underway on YES, and Sutherlands Park Centre construction will commence in the coming year.

Key achievements to date:

  • Detailed design for the youth entertainment space underway
  • Detailed concept design for the Sutherlands Park Leisure, Aquatic and Sports Hub underway
  • New car park and supporting infrastructure installed on Reserve A
  • New all abilities playground opened

The Master Plan allows Sutherlands Park to be developed to provide for our community, and to cater for future growth in the City's southern corridor.

Consultation will take place on individual projects as they are progressed.

We thank all residents and community members who participated in the consultation process and helped inform the final master plan.

Sutherlands Park Master Plan - view all the details on the Plan under 'documents'

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The Sutherlands Park concept plan survey has now concluded


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Jen Woollard

Project Consultation Advisor

Suzanne Angus

Acting Project Consultation Advisor

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