As residents, businesses and customers of the City, we use a number of ways to keep you informed about matters which could impact you. Your Say Gosnells is the forum we use for consultations, public notices and planning applications.

The City is required to provide public notices for various matters that may affect the community, including information about road closures, meetings, tenders and many other matters. Public notices could also give you the opportunity to provide feedback or ask questions about the issue at hand.

Please see below for the latest public notices.

Description: The City is seeking to engage a suitably qualified contractor to undertake the construction of the Langford Indoor Sports Centre. Works include construction of four indoor courts, a grandstand, function room with kitchen, administration and storage, changerooms, umpires room, first aid and public toilet facilities.

A Site Briefing will be held on site - Langford Netball Complex Clubhouse Carpark, off Wingrove Road, Langford - on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 2pm sharp.

Deadline is Thursday, 25 July 2024 at 2:00pm (AWST). Documentation can be obtained from

Enquiries can be made to Vicki Lawrence, via the City’s eProcurement portal.

Lodgement must be made via the City’s eProcurement Portal. No late, telephoned, faxed, mailed, emailed or hand delivered tenders will be accepted.


Description: The City is seeking to engage a fully qualified contractor to undertake the sports lighting upgrade at the Sutherlands Park A and B Ovals, located on Holmes Street, Huntingdale.

Deadline is Tuesday, 6 August 2024 at 2:00pm (AWST).

Documentation can be obtained from

Enquiries can be made to Rachel Edom, via the City’s eProcurement portal.

Lodgement must be made via the City’s eProcurement Portal. No late, telephoned, faxed, mailed, emailed or hand delivered tenders will be accepted.

10 July 2024

Draft Modified Local Planning Policy 4.11 – Public Art

At its meeting of 13 February 2024 Council resolved to advertise draft modified Local Planning Policy 4.11 (LPP 4.11) which seeks to provide additional time for proponents to meet the policy provisions during their project documentation phase.

The changes also foreshadow some of the opportunities that could arise for the expenditure of funds within targeted areas as opportunities arise.

The City is now advertising the draft Policy for public comment. Submissions should be lodged via the City’s website, by no later than 31 July 2024 (being 21 days from the date of this notice).

Enquiries can be directed to Development Services on 9397 3000. Documents relating to the above can be viewed on the City’s website.

6 June 2024

Planning and Development Act 2005



Notice is hereby given that the local government of the City of Gosnells has prepared the abovementioned planning scheme amendment for the purpose of extending the period of operation of three Development Contribution Plans for a further five years.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal have been deposited at the City of Gosnells Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells, and will be open for inspection during office hours up to and including Tuesday 6 August 2024. The proposal can also be viewed on the City's website -

Submissions on the planning scheme amendment may be lodged in writing and should include the amendment number, the property affected and details of the submission and lodged with the undersigned on or before Tuesday 6 August 2024. Make your submission here.

Ian Cowie

Chief Executive Officer

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given of the City’s intention to levy the following differential rates for the 2024/25 financial year.

A statement of Rating Objects and Reasons explaining the proposed differential rates is available for inspection at the City Civic Centre 2120 Albany Highway Gosnells, City libraries and the City’s website. Submissions are invited and should be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Gosnells PO Box 662, Gosnells WA 6990 by 4pm Tuesday 25 June 2024.

For more information please contact the City of Gosnells Director Business Services on 9397 3000.



Gross Rental Values (GRV):

The rates-in-the-dollar are calculated to provide the shortfall in income required for the City to provide necessary works and services during the 2024/25 financial year.

A higher rate-in-the-dollar has been applied to Rural GRV as Gross Rental Values do not adequately take into consideration the value of larger land holdings.

A higher rate-in-the-dollar has been applied to Extractive Industry as Council considers it appropriate given the impact this activity has on the road infrastructure and the environment.

A higher rate-in-the-dollar is applicable to all commercial properties in the Gosnells Town Centre to recognise the investment by the City in the Lissiman Street Improvement Plan and the additional operational expenses associated with the ongoing level of service provided.

A higher rate-in-the-dollar is applicable to all organisations incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 1987 that tenant City property in order to recover administration expenses associated with managing these tenancies.

A higher rate-in-the-dollar is applicable to commercial properties as Council considers it appropriate given the higher cost of providing and maintaining infrastructure in commercial precincts.

Unimproved Values (UV):

The UV rates-in-the-dollar are calculated to provide the shortfall in income required for the City to provide necessary works and services in the 2024/25 financial year.

Rural UV Agricultural Concession

A 20% concession off the Rural UV rate is offered to owners of rural properties who meet the eligibility criteria.

Minimum Rate:

A uniform minimum rate is applied to all rate categories. The imposition of a minimum rate is in recognition that every property receives benefits from services provided and as such, Council has adopted an appropriate minimum rate to take this into consideration.


Public notice is hereby given that the City of Gosnells Public Art Committee is scheduled to meet as follows:

  • Date: Friday 5 July 2024
  • Venue: City of Gosnells Council Chambers 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells
  • Time: 4.00pm

  • Agenda – will be available for members of the public to read at City’s Civic Centre, the Knowledge Centre and the City’s website on the Friday prior to the meeting.

    Enquiries – Please direct any enquiries regarding this meeting to the City’s Coordinator Programs and Events on 9397 3000.

    Ian Cowie

    Chief Executive Officer

    22 December 2023

    The City of Gosnells' Annual Report for 2022/23 is now available for viewing at the City of Gosnells Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells, at any of the City's libraries at Gosnells, Thornlie, Mills Park or Amherst Village, as well as the City's website at

    The community is invited to attend the Annual Electors' Meeting in the Function Room at the City of Gosnells Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells on Tuesday 6 February 2024 commencing at 6pm to discuss the contents of the Annual Report and any other general business.

    Ian Cowie PSM
    Chief Executive Officer.

    24 November 2023

    Notice is given of the following meeting dates and times for the City of Gosnells for 2024.

    Ordinary meetings will be held on Tuesdays at 7pm in the Council Chambers at the City's Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells.

    Agendas will be available for viewing at the Civic Centre, City libraries and online at on the Friday before each meeting.

    Minutes will be available for viewing on the Friday after each meeting at the above locations.

    Members of the public are welcome to attend and doors open at 6.45pm. Alternatively, live-streaming is available on the City’s YouTube channel. If you would like to watch the livestream, please visit the City’s YouTube channel.

    Please direct any enquiries about meetings, questions or public statements to 9397 3046.

    1 November 2023



    City of Gosnells

    The result of the Ordinary Election conducted as a postal vote on Saturday, 21 October 2023 is as follows:

    Terresa Anne LYNES is elected as Mayor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Notice is further given that the following person Ken ASHWIN is the second placed candidate for the purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the Local Government Act 1995.

    Ken ASHWIN is elected as Councillor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Adam Luke HORT is elected as Councillor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Ye ZHANG is elected as Councillor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Aaron ADAMS is elected as Councillor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Diane LLOYD is elected as Councillor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Saiful ISLAM is elected as Councillor for the City of Gosnells and will hold office until 16 October 2027.

    Notice is further given that the following person Kylie DALTON is the first unelected candidate and the following person Balli SINGH is the second unelected candidate for the purposes of Schedule 4.1A of the Local Government Act 1995.


    Terresa LYNES is elected as the Mayor and is a councillor on the council whose office becomes vacant under section 2.32(f) of the Act. Glenn DEWHURST is elected as a councillor of the City of Gosnells until 18 October 2025 in accordance with Schedule 4.1B of the Act.

    Shaun MAJOR


    0474 515 232

    In accordance with the provisions of Section of the Bush Fires Act 1954, and pursuant to Delegated Authority 3.1.2, I the undersigned hereby give notice that the “Restricted Burning Period” whole of the City of Gosnells has been extended by fourteen (14) days, from 1 June 2024 until midnight 14 June 2024 inclusive.

    Ian Cowie PSM
