
Update on DA progress

24 September 2020

The development application consultation has now closed with a total of 44 submissions received. There are two planning application and assessment processes occurring concurrently. The first is an application under the Metropolitan Region Scheme which the responsibility for determination is the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), and the second is a development application under the City’s Town Planning Scheme No.6 which is to be determined by the City.

The WAPC operates independently of the City and provides independence in the assessment of the proposal. The WAPC has broad experience with similar applications for waste transfer activities in and around Perth. The WAPC has been provided with copies of the submissions received during the public advertising of the development application, to assist in its determination.

In regards to the City’s application and assessment process, an agenda item was prepared for Council’s consideration at an Ordinary Council Meeting in early November 2020. The City considered the submissions received in the context of the relevant local and state planning frameworks.