
Council to consider POS preliminary works

11 May 2020

The Council at its meeting being held on Tuesday, 12 May will be considering an officer report on the development of quality public open space on part of the former Kelvin Road waste disposal site.

This report is requesting the Council to consider and approve the progression of the preliminary work required to progress the development of the recreation area, as follows:

  • The formal closure of Brock Street in accordance with section 58 of the Land Administration Act 1997.
  • Amalgamation of the freehold lots on which the public open space will be developed and the closed Brock Street road reserve.
  • Completion of a subterranean survey of the area to be developed as public open space to identify any areas of potential subsidence.

These works can commence immediately and will ensure that the assembly of the land does not delay the eventual development of the public open space.

Please visit the Agenda and Minutes page on the City's website to read the report.