Verge plants pack

This plant pack has been created with your verge in mind. Perfect to add colour and biodiversity to your verge, this pack contains plants that are compliant with the City's verge guidelines.

For inspiration about how your verge could look, why not visit the Water Corporation website and look at some of the verge planting demonstrations.

Key features:

WA Native

Full sun / Part shade

Flowers from late winter to summer

Pollinator friendly

H: 1m

W: 1 m

The floral emblem of Western Australia, this plant prefers a sandy well drained soil.

It also performs well in large pots and makes a lovely cut flower.

Images: Courtesy of Gardening with Angus

Key features:

Full sun/part shade

Flowers from late winter to summer

Bird attracting
Insect and pollinator friendly

Height: 1m

Width: 1m

This small shrub grows in sandy soils, with white-cream to pink flowers.

It is shade tolerant and useful as a border or rockery plant.

Images: Courtesy of Sue Jaggar, iNaturalist Australia
South Australian Seed Conservation Centre, Botanic Gardens of South Australia

Key features:
WA Native

Full sun / Part shade, tolerates mild frost

Flowers from winter to summer

Insect and pollinator friendly


Pipe and drain friendly

H: 80 cm

W: 80 cm

Clumping, grassy perennial with narrow grey leaves and heads of yellow flowers.

Great in flower gardens, borders and pots.

Images: Courtesy of Gardening with Angus
Dave Blumer - Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
M.Keally - Image used with the permission of the Western Australian Herbarium,
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Key features:
Full sun/part shade

Flowers in winter and spring

Height: 1.5m

Width: 1.5m

Insect and pollinator friendly

Pipe and drain friendly

This small shrub produces masses of pink and white flowers in spring.

The narrow leaves have a spicy perfume, and the stems can be cut for floral arrangements.

Images: Courtesy of Gardening with Angus,
Kuranga Native Nursery

Key features:
Full sun/part shade

Flowers in summer and autumn

Height: 1m

Width: 50cm

Insect and pollinator friendly

Growing as an upright clump with blue to purple flowers.

Naturally found along creek and river banks, this easy to grow plant prefers damper soils and can even be used as a shallow pond plant.

Images: Courtesy of Apace WA, Esperance Wildflowers, Kath Wade - iNaturalist