Consultation dates: 27 December 2024 to 26 January 2025.

The City of Gosnells seeks your feedback on the proposed Carport at 9 (Lot 70) Redgum Court Thornlie.

The application includes:

A 15m² carport addition to the existing single storey dwelling.

The proposal does not comply with the requirements of the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes), as:

  • The proposed carport has a reduced set back from the lot and street boundaries. The proposal varies the required 1m lot boundary setback and 3m minimum primary street setback shown on the plans for advertising.

If you have received a letter from the City inviting you to comment please use the reference number provided. If you have not received a letter please use 9 as your reference number when completing the survey.

More information:

View the plans.

Contact the City's Planning Officer Joshua Lombardo on 9397 3000.


Submissions can be lodged by completing the online form below, by 5pm 26 January 2025.

Alternatively, you can email your submission to or post to City of Gosnells, PO Box 662, Gosnells WA 6990 by the due date.

Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and your submission will be made publicly available in the Council Agenda, unless you have specifically requested that your submission remains anonymous.