Consultation dates: 17 January 2025 to 10 February 2025.

The City of Gosnells seeks your feedback on the proposed Showrooms, Shops, Fast Food Outlets, Restaurant (Cafe) and Service Station/Convenience Store at 606 (Lot 101) Warton Road, Southern River.

The application includes:

  • Three Showrooms:
    • Showroom 1 has a ground floor area (GFA) of 3,740m²;
    • Showroom 2 has a GFA of 3,620m²;
    • Showroom 3 has a GFA of 1,660m²;
    • Each showroom has an associated individual service area to the rear of each building with service vehicle parking and access from the internal road.
  • Two Shops:
    • Shop 1 has a GFA of 185m²;
    • Shop 2 has a GFA of 95m²;
    • A shared service area is located to the rear.
  • Two Fast Food Outlets:
    • Fast Food Outlet 1:
      • A 345m² GFA;
      • Double lane drive-through, accommodating up to 12 vehicles;
      • Individual service area located to the rear of the building.
    • Fast Food Outlet 2:
      • Single lane drive-through, accommodating up to 7 vehicles;
      • Shared service area located to the rear of the building;
      • Individual alfresco area facing Ranford Road frontage.
  • A Café with 110m² GFA, a shared service area located to the rear and an individual alfresco area facing Ranford Road frontage.
  • A Service Station/Convenience Store:
    • Retail/convenience store building with a GFA of 290m²;
    • A fuel canopy and forecourt area, with four refueling bowsers (tow refueling bays per bowser);
    • Service area and mechanical plant area located on the east of the retail store building, facing away from Ranford Road;
    • 7 car parking bays fronting the retail store building.

In addition to the above, the overall proposed development includes the following components:

  • Landscaping (2,450m²) through the entire development, front setback and car park areas, providing a combined 11.67% of the total site area;
  • Well-distributed shade tree planting throughout the development, car park areas and setback areas;
  • Pedestrian pathways and crossovers providing connectivity and legibility between all buildings on the subject site and the external footpath network;
  • An additional left out only crossover on Ranford Road (both other existing access arrangements and crossovers are to remain);
  • Associated signage; and
  • A combined total of 284 car parking bays on the subject site, consisting of
    • 257 marked bays (including 8 ACROD bays);
    • 19 drive-through queuing bays; and
    • 8 refueling bays (service station forecourt).

If you have received a letter from the City inviting you to comment please use the reference number provided. If you have not received a letter please use 9 as your reference number when completing the survey.

More information:

View the plans, Planning Report, Bushfire Management Plan and Traffic Assessment.

Contact the City's Planning Officer Jamie Trees on 9397 3000.


Submissions can be lodged by completing the online form below, by 5pm 10 February 2025.

Alternatively, you can email your submission to or post to City of Gosnells, PO Box 662, Gosnells WA 6990 by the due date.

Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and your submission will be made publicly available in the Council Agenda, unless you have specifically requested that your submission remains anonymous.