Greenway Park in Thornlie is listed as part of the park renewals program in 2024/25.

Work will commence on Monday 14 October 2024 with temporary fencing being placed on-site.

The work is anticipated to take four weeks.

As part of the scope of this program, changes will include:

  • A like for like replacement of the existing playground
  • Renewal of the rubber softfall
  • Replacement of the limestone wall footings

The new playground will include a slide, swings, monkey bars, whirly spinner and rope climber.

The play equipment is from a_space and will be installed by approved City contractors.

Please avoid the fenced area during construction - the remaining area a the park will be accessible.

Concept image of the new playground to be installed at Greenway Park in Thornlie

Concept image of the new playground to be installed at Greenway Park in Thornlie