
Nicholson Road Development Application Advertised

10 December 2020

The Western Australian Planning Commission is seeking comment on a development application from the NEWest Alliance relating to the construction of the proposed Nicholson Road Station.

Plans and information relating to the development of the station can be downloaded at the following link:

The development application will be determined by the Commission in accordance with section 116 of the Planning and Development Act 2005.

Comments close on 23 December 2020.

Development Application Details

The Nicholson Road Station development application proposes the construction of:

  • a new station comprising a ground-level concourse and station building with a station entry on the south of the rail line and a pedestrian overpass to an island platform;
  • a new bus interchange facility and bicycle parking infrastructure;
  • a new road network to provide access to the station and bus interchange;
  • a dedicated passenger drop off area and a park and ride facility with approximately 1000 bays.

You can also visit the City's website to view the advertisement for the development application.