Accepted items

Use the hot spots below to find out what items are accepted and learn some handy hints.

Cartoon image showing what food is accepted under the FoodCycle program

Items accepted under the program are:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Take away food and leftovers
  • Cheese and dairy products
  • Eggs (including shell)
  • Pasta, rice and cereal
  • Tea and coffee (including teabags)
  • Meat and seafood including bones
  • Bread and baked goods
  • Small amounts of paper

Not accepted

The following items are not accepted under the program and should not be placed in your GOsFO bin.

  • Nappies
  • Cloth and towels
  • Plastic including soft plastics
  • Food still in packaging
  • Large pieces of bone (whole)
  • Grease trap waste
  • Chemicals, pesticides or cleaning products
  • Non-compostable material
  • Whole newspapers, magazines, brochures
  • Glass
  • Plants or clippings
Materials not accepted under the GOsFO program

Materials not accepted under the GOsFO program