The City of Gosnells would like to inform residents that the implementation of the GOsFO program has been delayed. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected delay in delivery of equipment, Goterra has advised the City that the program will not be able to commence until late 2025. All residents who have registered for the program will receive an email with further information.

The City of Gosnells will soon start a pilot program to recycle food waste from households across the City, on an opt-in basis. The program is named GOsFO.

GOsFO provides an alternative to landfill for your kitchen waste – with positive environmental outcomes. The GOsFO program recycles your kitchen waste through a natural process and creates two products – soil improver and animal feed.

Households that sign up to GOsFO receive a 140 litre burgundy coloured bin, a food waste caddy and liners. The bin will be collected from the verge once a week (between Tuesday and Thursday). To participate in the program, a cost of $80 per financial year will be billed to each participating household. The first year of the pilot program will be billed at a reduced pro-rata cost, depending on the start date.

The pilot program will operate for three years with a commitment to process nearly 800 tonnes of food waste in this time.

Did you know?

  • Food in landfill breaks down in a way that can create greenhouse gases, including methane, which affects air quality and public health, and contributes to climate change.
  • Food waste makes up approximately 20% of all waste sent to landfill and yet accounts for 58% of all landfill methane emissions.
  • Methane is 28 times more potent than the carbon pollution from your car exhaust.

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