In recognition of the direction from the State Government in 2019, and the contribution that wetlands make to cultural heritage, spiritual values and day-to-day living of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the City of Gosnells has commenced a program to name all conservation category wetlands using Noongar names.

The City will be naming two wetlands in Canning Vale as the first stage of this process.

Maladjiny-ap Balyan Boodjar

Maladjiny-ap Balyan Boodjar (or Place of Growing Wetland) is the name that has been chosen by local Aboriginal Elders and the Langford Aboriginal Association for the Comrie Road wetland.

This name is pronounced mala-GIN-up Bal-yan BOOdj-ar.

Nakaal Maya Balyan Boodjar

Nakaal Maya Balyan Boodjar (or Peaceful Place Wetland) is the name that has been chosen by local Aboriginal Elders and the Langford Aboriginal Association for the Shreeve Road and Waterperry Drive wetlands.

This name is pronounced NAR-kal May-a Bal-yan BOODj-ar.

Naming parks and wetlands

Currently, less than 15% of the parks within the City have an official name registered with Landgate. Registering place names with Landgate is important to ensure a singular name for a place is recognised - allowing residents, emergency services, map providers and travellers to find our parks.

Recognising that the City has hundreds of parks that are not yet officially named, the City has introduced a process to name public open spaces (parks, reserves or wetlands) when they appears within our capital works program. This means as work is completed at a park, the park name is registered with Landgate.

Why are the wetlands dry?

Many of the wetlands within the City of Gosnells are ephemeral. This means they temporarily hold water after substantial rain events and dry out periodically.

Due to their nature, ephemeral wetlands are highly dynamic ecosystems with rising and falling levels creating feeding and breeding opportunities for a variety of fauna.

After extended dry periods (as we are currently experiencing) it is expected that the wetlands will be dry.

The City does not top-up water bodies with ground or scheme water.

Aerial map image showing the two wetlands which will change names

Give us your feedback

Use this space to tell the City what you think of the wetland naming program. Your feedback is welcome until 14 July 2024 and will be visible to all visitors to this page.

29 July, 2024

jp says:

Changing the names of any parks and wetlands is a waste ofrate payers money

18 July, 2024

Annie says:

Amazing. Was sent this link to send hate but I think this is a fantastic use of council money !! Especially the respect to aboriginal names.

18 July, 2024

Struggling Ratepayer says:

Not necessary to rename and will not make any difference to anyone. Better off giving us a rate cut and help us live and survive.

16 July, 2024

Wendy says:

Why are Australians so lazy when learning/using another language? It is bigotry & intolerance compared to Europe, Africa and Asian peoples.

16 July, 2024

Utterly Annoyed says:

The names are unpronounceable and no one will use them anyway. Breeding bird boxes, dog water in off lead area so many better way to spend $

16 July, 2024

Utterly Annoyed says:

this is a money wasting placation to a minority. I do not want my rates wasted . Use the money on footpaths or breeding boxes for birds etc

16 July, 2024

Hoogland says:

Leave the name as it was. Provides nothing for anyone and money could be used for a much better use

16 July, 2024

Annoyed rate payer says:

What an absolute waste of money and time! Save the money and give the rate payers a rate reduction or Use the money for something useful.

16 July, 2024

Reality says:

Achieves nothing.

16 July, 2024

Alan Gordon says:

Aboriginal names are not even pronounceable and serves no purpose other than appeasing a very tiny minority. Who is driving this ?

8 July, 2024

Rate payer says:

The wetlands are no longer wet due to human intervention however indirect. Isn’t it something that uni kids can do studies to try and fix?

4 July, 2024

Don says:

Will the council respect the wishes of the community, or will the undemocratic renaming occur despite clear opposition?