Thank you for providing your feedback on this proposal. The City is currently reviewing feedback.

The City of Gosnells proposes to introduce parking restrictions along Warton Road in Huntingdale

This proposal is for the section of Warton Road westbound, adjacent to properties 182 - 202 Warton Road only.

The new parking plan provides for "No Stopping on Road or Verge".

Warton Road is a dual-carriage arterial road and is therefore often very busy. The City has received requests from residents to install no stopping signage to allow for easier property access.

The City is seeking your feedback on the proposal to stop parking on the road and verge. We would like to hear your thoughts.

Feedback is open until 29 November 2024.

Have Your Say
  • Review the proposed parking changes under the documents section
  • Provide your response using our survey
  • Call the Traffic Engineering team on 9397 3000
  • Email us on