The City is constructing a new fully sheltered Youth Entertainment Space at Sutherlands Park.

The new facility will include:

  • A shelter covering the entire plaza space - a first for the Perth metropolitan area
  • Skate plaza - split level skating with rails and banks
  • Skate bowl - shallow skate bowl perfect for all skill levels
  • Pump track - sealed surface for BMX, MTB or scooters
  • Urban play - part of the social hangout zone, includes social swings and platformed seating
  • Multipurpose court - a space to play all manner of games including futsal, basketball, and a rebound wall
  • LED lighting, sports lighting and projector screens under cover.


Following the consultation period, the City awarded the contractor to produce a detailed design to consultants Playce. The concept designs arising from the detailed design process have been endorsed by both the City and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (which is contributing $2 million towards the development of YES).

Items included in the design were some of the most highly requested from residents and young people during consultation.

We are excited to bring this concept to life.

Youth Entertainment Space

Progress images - December 2024

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