Project update
In December 2024, residents were asked to provide feedback regarding treatment alternatives of the new Staniland Street footpath. Support was split at 45.5 per cent each, with nine per cent suggesting another alternative. As such, the City's preference is to take no further action so that the pathway will remain as a crushed granite path.
The City of Gosnells has recently installed a new footpath along Staniland Street in Orange Grove.
The footpath that has been installed is a crushed granite rock – an unsealed treatment that is used elsewhere in the rural zoning of the City.
Following the installation of the footpath the City has received feedback that the path should be sealed. We are therefore asking residents to consider the following two options:
Option 1
This option involves the City completing no further work on the path and leaving it as an unsealed compacted granite footpath.
The benefits of this option are that no further funds need to be spent, and that the path remains in-keeping with other paths in the area. The drawback is that maintenance may need to be completed more frequently to keep the path in working condition.
Option 2
This option involves the application of a spray bitumen to the footpath. To apply this, City Officers would use a cold-spray bitumen and apply it by hand to minimise the potential environmental impacts. A layer of fine granite rock (cracker dust) would then be applied on top.
The benefits of this option are that it would fully seal the path, reducing the amount on ongoing maintenance. The drawbacks include the potential impact to vegetation (specifically the grass trees) that border the pathway, and the additional cost. The application of a spray-seal (no matter how applied) may cause damage to the grass trees that the City was able to maintain during construction.