This project is now complete. Thank you for your input.

The City of Gosnells will soon upgrade Redshank Park, Martin. Following a resident petition submitted last year, the City will be installing a new playground and shelter.

Work to install the chosen playground has been scheduled for installation from mid-February 2024.

City Officers will start construction by installing temporary fencing around the existing playground. This area will then be closed to residents. The main grass area will remain open for use during construction.

Playground selected

This option provides residents and visitors with:

  • Play structure with rubber soft fall
  • Mulch soft fall to be maintained under the existing swings
  • Shade over picnic seating

Change of name

Redshank Lane Reserve has been formally named Redshank Park. The formal naming of this park is part of a program that the City is undertaking. Naming parks is important for wayfinding and emergency response. Redshank Park is taken from the name of the nearby street, Redshank Lane.

Have your say

  • View landscape design under the 'document library'
  • Email the City on, via phone on (08) 9397 3000 or via mail to PO Box 662, Gosnells WA 6990


What design do you prefer?

What is your preferred option?

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 39


Design Feedback

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Aerial image of Redshank Park in Martin

Redshank Park aerial image