A Planning Application has been lodged with the Metropolitan Outer Development Assessment Panel (MODAP) for a Drive In Outdoor Cinema at Harmony Fields, 158 (Lot 802), 254 (Lot 804), 222 (Lot 359) Alcock Street, and 61 (Lot 395) and 89 (Lot 801) Ballard Place, Maddington.

The application includes:

  • Four outdoor cinema screens, associated car parking areas and accessways;
  • Central Café building;
  • Mini Golf course; and
  • Alterations to the existing roundabout at Gosnells Road West/Alcock Street to provide road access to the development via a new access road.

The Cinema is proposed to operate as follows:

  • Monday – Sunday between sunset and 1am
  • Screens will show two screenings per night
  • Vehicles will receive the soundtrack via car radios.

The Mini Golf and Café are proposed to operate the following additional times:

  • Monday – Sunday before film screenings
  • Saturday and Sunday between 12 – 4pm


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Application submitted to the Development Assessment Panel

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Consultation by the City with residents and the wider community

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Consideration of submissions

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Submission of report by the City to the Development Assessment Panel

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Development Assessment Panel meeting

    When the DAP meets to discuss this application members of the public can attend the meeting via Zoom. Deputations can be submitted to the Panel before the meeting.

    • To make a presentation to the DAP, please complete the Presentation Request Template and email it to the DAP Secretariat daps@dplh.wa.gov.au
    • The request is to be submitted at least 3 days prior to the DAP meeting.
    • If presentation approval is obtained, each presentation is to be a maximum of five minutes, unless the Presiding Member allows for an extension of time.