
Works starting at Mary Carroll Park

22 July 2022

The City will soon install a new bridge at the Verna Street side of the park. This work will commence on 25 July 2022 and will replace the bridge damaged by vandalism earlier in the year.

The first stage will involve the pouring of concrete abutments. This will be followed a week or so later by delivery of the pre-fabricated bridge and fixing it into position, which is anticipated to be completed within one day.

Pedestrians, residents and motorists should take care on the Verna Street side of Mary Carroll Park during these works.

The main bridges have been delayed due to wet conditions within the lake, and are planned for Summer when the water in the wetland is expected to have evaporated sufficiently for the work to proceed.

The City is in the process of conducting a tender quoting process for a new toilet / ablutions building that will incorporate a Changing Places facility, unisex and ambulant toilets.

In addition, the landscape designs for the Welcome to Country and all abilities all ages playground are being finalised with electrical and irrigation designs underway.