This consultation has now closed. Keep an eye on the Library Services webpages and Facebook to find out how we are implementing your feedback.

The City of Gosnells has four libraries located in the suburbs of Gosnells, Thornlie, Southern River and Beckenham. With over 73,000 members, on average each month 30,000 loans are made across all our services.

We want to know how you currently use our libraries and what you would like to see in the future.

Current library services include:

  • Physical resources - books, magazines, DVDs etc
  • Electronic resources - e-books, audio books, digitised newspapers and streamed media
  • Access to computers, printing and public WiFi
  • Programs and events for all age ranges

This is your chance to shape the future of the City's library services. Following this survey, the City will consider your feedback and use it to help create a long-term plan for the library services.

Have your say:

  • View the library webpages to explore our current library services
  • Complete the survey below to tell us how you use the current service
  • Call the City on (08) 9397 3000 to provide your feedback
  • Email us on or drop into a library branch


Library services survey

Are you a library member? Required
Which library do you currently use most often?
Please rate the importance of the following library resources and services.  Required
Very important
Somewhat important
Less important
Not important
Did not know this was available
Physical resources - books, DVDs etc
Electronic resources - eBooks, online audiobooks etc
Online educational resources
Physical newspapers and magazines
Electronic newspapers and magazines
Public access computers
Printing, copying and scanning
Free WiFi
Children's programs
Youth programs
Adult programs - including over 55s programs
Community clubs
Quiet spaces to work or study
Bookable meeting rooms
Expert advice - reference material, help from librarians etc.
Assistance with technology
Access to Justice of the Peace

Physical resources

Which physical resources would you be likely to borrow?

Electronic resources (eResources)

Which of the following eResources would you be likely to use? Please choose all that apply.

Digital Inclusion

Which of the following would help ensure you are connected to the digital world? Please check all that apply.

Children and Young People's Programs

Which of the following programs would your family who are under 18 be likely to attend. Please check all that apply.

Building community

Which of these would be of value to you and your family to help feel connected to your community? Please select all that apply.

Adult learning

Which of the following would be valuable to you. Please select all that apply.

Additional information

Would you be willing to pay a small fee (under $20) to attend library events?
Where refreshments are provided?
Where materials are provided?
Where an author or presenter is in attendance?
Not willing to pay
To help us better respond to your feedback, please tell us your age range
You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.