The City of Gosnells knows that many dogs aren't just pets - they are part of your family and you want safe spaces to take them, close to your home. We have listened to our community who want to see an increased number of enclosed off-leash dog parks.

Dog parks provide an opportunity for dogs to tap into their natural instincts, get used to interacting with other dogs and people, and enjoy the freedom to run and expend their energy.

Dogs aren't one size fits all, and your dog park shouldn't be either. We know that all dogs have different personalities and preferences and we want to create spaces that are welcoming to all our furry friends.

You can help us achieve this by letting us know what you want to see at our proposed future park at Oliphant Street Reserve, Kenwick.

We would like your feedback about the suitability of the park and what you would like to see included.

This park has been chosen following a petition received from the community which supported the construction of a new enclosed dog park in Kenwick. The City is currently reviewing options for additional enclosed dog parks in other areas - more information will be made available in the future.

How to get involved:

  • Come along our drop-in session and speak to City staff
  • Complete our survey - either online or by downloading a paper copy (this can be sent to you via email if you prefer)
  • Email the city at or call us on 9397 3000
  • If you prefer to contact us by post, please write to us at our PO Box listed below


🎨Sketch your design

Sketch pad

Use this template to sketch your design of the proposed dog park. Upload below, or email to

📆Consultation session