Community waste-drop off day

Residents are encouraged to arrive with items pre-sorted in their cars. Once at the Operations Centre you will be directed to drive up to the appropriate bins and dispose of your items.

Saturday 5 April 2025 08:00 am to 03:00 pm

The community waste drop-off day will be held at the City's Operations Centre:

2 Canning Park Avenue, Maddington

The City will be hosting a community waste drop-off day in April.

This event will allow residents to dispose of certain waste items in a controlled, and environmentally sensitive manner.

This event does not replace the annual bulk verge collection provided by the City. Proof of residency will be checked when you arrive at the Operations Centre. No commercial waste allowed.

Household hazardous waste

Many familiar products used to clean your home, maintain your car or deal with pests can be hazardous. If disposed of incorrectly, these items can cause serious harm to the natural and residential environment.

These products cannot be disposed of in your regular rubbish collection, and for many hazardous wastes, it can be illegal to do so. This is because they can leak into the environment and waterways and cause serious health risks.

The City is offering a collection day to help residents properly dispose of household hazardous waste. These items will be collected and disposed of by the City correctly, with as little environmental impact as possible.

Other items

The City is also collecting other items that are often difficult to dispose of. These include bulk cardboard, polystyrene, and e-waste.

Tyres will be collected, with limit restrictions in place.

Charity operators will be available to collect clothing (in good condition), helping to divert this waste type from landfill.

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Suzanne Angus

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