The City of Gosnells has commenced work on an all ages, all abilities playground at Gosnells Oval.

This is an exciting upgrade to the precinct which will include access from Stalker Road with ACROD and standard parking bays.

The playground will have a steam train theme to complement the railway that runs through the heart of Gosnells, with its own train station, smaller locomotive wheelhouse and themed signage.

In addition, it will include the following features:

  • Play hut with chill out underneath or climb over
  • Inclusive accessible group rocker
  • Musical instruments
  • Accessible sway hammock
  • Spinner bowl
  • Wheelchair trampoline

As per other all abilities playgrounds in the City, it will be fully fenced with air lock access. There will be softfall rubber flooring, shade sails, an accessible drink fountain with dog bowl and bottle fill, and mulched garden beds.

This playground is part of the City's promise to build 10 new all abilities playgrounds. Seven have already been built, with this, Boyle Playground in Orange Grove and one at Mary Carroll Park to complete the provision.

Project Updates

Work continues to install the new all-abilities playground at Gosnells Oval. Our works crews are progressing with all elements possible during this wet weather.

Concrete works on-site have commenced however, the installation of major play equipment has been delayed until the water table levels reduce. Work is continues off-site to ensure all items are ready for installation.

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