New Station Street Bridge

The City has received confirmation that both Main Roads WA and the Australian Government will be providing funding for the new Station Street Bridge.

The bridge will be dual lane, and constructed next to the existing wooden bridge. The existing bridge will remain open to traffic until the new bridge is complete. It will then be used as a shared path, allowing both pedestrians and cyclists a safe route across the river.

The design for the new bridge was previously completed by the City, and has now been handed to Main Roads WA for construction.

Main Roads WA are completing the construction of the new bridge, and all community communications will now come from Main Roads.

This City will share this information with residents on this page.

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Background information

After the emergency closure in April 2022, the City is now pleased to inform residents that the bridge is now open.

The bridge has been restored to full load capacity, with no traffic restrictions.

Whilst the bridge repairs were completed, the City has also improved the foot path and road surface of the bridge.

We thank local residents and bridge users for their patience while the work was completed.

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