Project update

Residents will notice changes along Barrett Street including:

  • New kerbing along the road surface
  • Upgraded road surface
  • A change in posted speed limit to 70 km/h

Work has commenced on the missing section of the pedestrian footpath now that final clearing permits have been approved.

Street lighting design has been completed, waiting on approval by Western Power. Once complete, this will enable slow points to be installed.

An application to Main Roads WA has been submitted for line marking. This work occurs based on the schedule of Main Roads WA and therefore we are unable to provide an estimated completion date.

Project background

The City of Gosnells will soon start construction of a new footpath along Barrett Street in Southern River.

Barrett Street provides a key connection between Warton Road and Balfour Street.

As part of this project the City will:

  • Install a footpath from Lakey Street to Balfour Street
  • Install kerbing between the road surface and footpath
  • Upgrades to existing street lights
  • Road surface upgrade from rural standard to asphalt surface

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Jen Woollard

Project Consultation Advisor

Suzanne Angus

Acting Project Consultation Advisor

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