The City of Gosnells has started construction of new road safety improvements along Attfield Street in Maddington.

Included in the project, the City will install:

  • A raised red asphalt plateau
  • New pedestrian crossings
  • Upgraded street lighting
  • Modified raised median islands

This project will be completed by our approved contractors BOS Civil.

This project will increase safety for pedestrians and road users by reducing speeds and making vehicle crossings safer.

Businesses remain open as usual and can be accessed by following the detours, or via the map provided under "images". Please continue to support these business, including:

  • Aim Dental
  • All Nations Variety Market
  • Anglicare WA Op Shop
  • Arya Supermarket
  • Dentistry Plus
  • Granada Medical Practice
  • Holdcom Auto Parts
  • Jardine's Pharmacy
  • Jester's Maddington
  • Maihan Kitchenware and Carpets
  • NIOT Maddington
  • Richwood Accountants
  • Scooby's Wash N Go
  • The Sovereign Lounge

and all shops within the Maddington Central Shopping Centre.

Have your say:

  • View the plans under 'documents'
  • View the closure map under 'images'
  • Ask us a questions using the questions button below
  • Email the city on or call on 9397 3000

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Jen Woollard

Project Consultation Advisor City of Gosnells

Phone9397 3065

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