6 June 2024

The City of Gosnells at its Council meeting of 23 April 2024 has initiated an amendment to Town Planning Scheme No. 6 (TPS 6) and are seeking public comment on the proposed amendment to extend the period of operation of three Development Contribution Plans to 1 November 2028. These are located in:

Relevant documents relating to Scheme Amendment No. 184:

A copy of these documents can also be viewed at the City of Gosnells Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells.


Submissions on Amendment No. 184 may be lodged by midnight, Tuesday 6 August 2024.

  • Complete the Submission form below
  • Mail a written submission to the City of Gosnells, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells WA 6110
  • Email a written submission to info@gosnells.wa.gov.au